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 JANUARY 6, 2015 


Hi all


So recently, during the crazy festive season, I had the privilege of visiting a few establishments that serve coffee. The first one was Bootleggers (yes, I have blogged about them before). The second was Woolworths Canal Walk.


Tim, Shell, Stell and I went to Bootleggers for an impromptu visit since Tim was in Cape Town for a short period. We had a great time. The company was great and the venue fitting for a good laugh. We had different types of drinks, among others coffee. Got great reviews from those who indulged. No surprise. Their cafe is set up for pleasant conversation with good food and coffee. The overall experience was something for the books.


Then there is Woolworths Canal Walk. We got there at the height of silly season. The staff were ill prepared for the crowd and the service was shocking. Stell ordered something to drink at the same time I did. She got her coffee while I was waiting for my “slushie” (I forget the technical term for what I ordered). Stell got her coffee and I did not get my drink. Then Stell ordered something to eat. Her food arrived and I still suffered thirst. Okay, I exaggerate a little. It is with this that I called the manager to ask about my drink. His response was shocking and pathetic to put it mildly. He says to me, “The section is obviously busy but I will go check on your order.” Within two minutes I got what I ordered.


To add to the insanity, they were out of rotisserie chicken. Think about this for a second. Rotisserie chicken is something that is ordered in the morning so that they have enough for the days trade. I got this information from one of the store managers. I was too angry about the bad experience and preferred not to speak to the restaurant clown, I mean restaurant manager. So much of their trade is made up of rotisserie chicken. Bad planning is putting it mildly.
On a separate occasion they were out of eggs during breakfast time…(breakfast is served all day). Its a shame that they are sacrificing the quality they are renowned for.


One day I was waiting for Stell to finish her shopping and was waiting in the cafe. I ordered a coffee and sat across from the barista while he was preparing it. I noticed that he would clean the outside of the steam wand but did not flush out the contents from the steam wand. I figured it was an oversight but decided to wait and see if this is a mishap or habit. You guessed it. He did not clean it on all of the cups made. To put this into perspective, it is a health hazard to do this since bacteria breeds in warm and moist places. I brought it to the attention of the manager on duty (not the same one) and she promptly went to him to make sure the correct procedure is followed.


I am not saying that you must go to Bootleggers and not to Woolies Cafe in Canal Walk. What I am saying is that you need to be aware of this type of thing because it could get ugly. All because a barista is absent minded.

Please be aware.


Until next time.





NOVEMBER 13, 2014 


All this talk of coffee and other stuff had me thinking, I need to tell you about places I have visited that do good coffee. You need to know about these places so that when you go out you may put into practice your newly acquired skills for following TOP TIPS when ordering coffee.


I have been to a few places in the last little while, since starting this blog, with the specific intention of telling people where they can find good coffee and, importantly, where not to find good coffee.


On Tuesday, Stell and I went to Bootleggers in Sea Point as part of her birthday celebrations. It is situated where the old Caturra Coffee Shop used to be. I really like this place. They know their coffee. Not only do they roast their own beans but they also serve it well. I had a flat white there and it was good. Served in a glass, at the right temperature and well balanced flavour. There is a nuttiness that shines through and even has the cute latte art to round it off. Bootleggers is not fancy, but simplistic in its presentation. They don’t do a lot of coffee variations which makes it easy to stay true to the blend that is their trademark. You can do much worse. And the food is really good too.


I also visited Starlings with a friend recently. I expect good coffee when I go there and I was not disappointed. They are supplied by Origin. Their baristas are doing a good job interpreting the beans into a great cup of coffee. It is a more complex flavour with chocolate and berries coming through. There is room for improvement but I suspect that this is because some bad habits have set in to the baristas skill. The milk is sometimes over stretched and this lends towards a burnt taste. A good friend of mine pointed out that he had a really bad experience at Starlings a little bit ago. Tim said that the flat white was so burnt it was unpalatable. It did not matter how much sugar you added to mask the flavour, it was still not good at all. The barista was probably having a bad day. This happens from time to time in this industry.


At Truth Coffee Cult in Buitenkant Street I was a happy camper. They really do not disappoint when it comes to consistency. I always have the Resurrection blend when I go there. It is a winner. Well balanced with a chocolate undertone. BUT, I have to say that I also tried the single origin Indian. WOW. SO smooth, soft on the pallet with a hint of berries. I would strongly recommend that you make a special effort to go there and try it out for yourself.


Don’t be afraid to explore. You might be genuinely surprised about your findings.

I would love to hear all about your recent experiences at coffee establishments. Please, please, please send me a note and tell me where you went, what you had and what your thoughts are. I would love to hear from you. Lets make this an interactive one.


Until later…





OCTOBER 10, 2014 


                        Top Tips when ordering your coffee.

  • Make sure you know how you like your coffee. That way, if the barista gets it wrong then you will know.

  • Find out from the waiter or barista whose beans they use. It often leads to disappointment when you expect something and get something else.

  • Check if the standard shot is single or double of espresso. I prefer standard double shot. If you don’t like it that way, then drink half.

  • First taste the coffee before you add sugar. The really good baristas make it in such a way that you don’t need to add sugar.

  • Now sit back and enjoy your cup of coffee.





                       Until next time…














OCTOBER 10, 2014 


Definitions and descriptions of some of the coffees out there.

(Please note that these definitions and descriptions are based on a standard double shot of espresso.)


It seems an arduous task when you are a newbie to the world of coffee. You find yourself standing in front of the counter and wondering what on earth a Macchiato, Affogato and Flat White is. If you are anything like me and prefer to know what you want when you show up at the counter then the following information will certainly help make the task at hand a pleasant experience.


Let’s start with the basic ones and move on from there,


Espresso – It is just coffee brewed by forcing a small amount of nearly boiling water under pressure through finely ground coffee beans.


Flat White (not to be confused with a Cappuccino) – One part Espresso to four to five parts steamed milk.


Cappuccino – One part Espresso to three to four parts frothed milk.


Latte – One part Espresso to seven to nine parts steamed milk.


Americano – One part Espresso to four to five parts nearly boiled water. Milk may be served separately as per your choice.


Now for some of the less common coffees out there.


Macchiato – One part Espresso with a dollop of steamed milk on the top.


Affogato – A scoop of Gelato with one part Espresso.


Cafe Mocha – One part Espresso to one part chocolate syrup to one part steamed milk. An optional extra is to top with whipped cream.


Espresso Con Panna – One part Espresso topped with whipped cream.


Please note that these are some of the definitions of the coffees out there. Believe me that there are plenty more and they are just too numerous to include. There are also variants to these but they basically follow the same recipe.

If you would like to know more about other coffee combos then please feel free to let me know and I will research them for you.


So, the next time you place an order at your favorite coffee shop or even a new one then I hope that these definitions and descriptions with help you make an informed decision.


Until next time…




SEPTEMBER 29, 2014 


Wow, it seems appropriate to kick off my first official blog post on this auspicious day known as International Coffee Day. But what does this mean to Joe Public especially since it is not a public holiday, well at least not in South Africa.  No one seems to be offering the good stuff for free either.


So…. from the little research I have done thus far, it is a day to “promote fair trade coffee and to bring attention to the plight of coffee growers.” (Thank you Wikipedia) For further reading click on the topic of Fair Trade.

What do all these fancy words mean to us, Joe Publics? Simply, that there is a bunch of people who buy coffee beans from farmers and producers around the world at a price most big organisations find too expensive. They also make sure that these farmers/producers are able to keep the coffee farms producing for years to come.


Enough of the formalities. So why another blog on coffee? (I can see some people rolling their eyes) Well, lets see, what is a blog other than the opinion of someone about a subject, object or product. Sometimes it is even an opinion shared from experience. Since I have experience in the coffee industry as a Sales and Brand Manager for a rather great brand I thought it fair to share my insight with the world at large. There are many other reasons for the start of this blog but that will be revealed as this journey progresses.


I am looking forward to everything that lies ahead and I hope to pick up a few friends along the way. Come with me, let me teach you what I learned while in the coffee industry. I managed to convince some people to change how they order their coffee. Who knows, maybe you can learn something or three as well.



Until next time


Riccardo Roodt


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