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Everyone has a specific way they like their coffee. Some like it strong, some milky, others sweet (I promise I will judge you quietly) and still others like it the way we make it. Below you will find typical types and a brief description of some of the coffees out there. 

Espresso â€“
It is just coffee brewed by forcing a small amount of nearly boiling water under pressure through finely ground coffee beans.
Flat White (not to be confused with a Cappuccino) –
One part Espresso to four to five parts steamed milk.
Cappuccino â€“
One part Espresso to three to four parts frothed milk.
Latte â€“
One part Espresso to seven to nine parts steamed milk.
Americano â€“
One part Espresso to four to five parts nearly boiled water. Milk may be served separately as per your choice.
Macchiato â€“
One part Espresso with a dollop of steamed milk on the top.
Affogato â€“
A scoop of Gelato with one part Espresso.
Cafe Mocha â€“
One part Espresso to one part chocolate syrup to one part steamed milk. An optional extra is to top with whipped cream.
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